Wednesday, 14 November 2012

W.O.Y.W.W? no.180

So here is what have been up to in the last fortnight, some of it anyway. The photo's aren't great but that's what comes from living in a basement flat.

My work area next to the sofa. What can see is bags of squares cut from old envelopes to make snowflake designs. Paper giftbags to make envelopes with. Xmas giftwrap and some washi tape used to cover inside of sketchbook.

New layout thoughts for snowflakes from an existing snowflake punch.
Card designs developing from previous posts.

Please check out the other's creativity listed on Julia's blog. Happy WOYWW to all and anyone who peeks here.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

What's on your workdesk wednesday? (no.178)

My shot for What's on your workdesk wednesday? is from my lap. It shows my little bits of pearl paper scraps am using to make snowflakes for Christmas cards. Alas is still at a design stage. I was reading last night the intro. to the summer edition of  'Where Women Create' magazine. It was very apt for woyww'ers as begged the question are you a dreamer or a maker? I myself wish to be a proper maker but concede to in reality being a dreamer. So what are you? Go over to Julia's blog for everything woywwy!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

W.O.Y.W.W. (NO.176)

Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday to anyone who is taking the time and trouble to visit me. I decided to share a picture of one of the drawers in my roller desk this time. My work tops are never permanent ones as I seem to do everything from the sofa.


Here are some old pages from my Xmas folders to inspire me. This year I want to 'upcycle' designs and things for my xmas cards. The last picture shows I have made a start on cutting up paper to develop the design in a pearlescent option. My new cutting matt is there. I moved it from the sofa last night as The Scribbler goes mad for my paper. 

The card design is from Carolines website I think? but I honestly can't remember.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

What's on your workdesk wednesday? no.171

So what's on your workdesk wednesday? has come round again. I've been knitting and papercrafting which you can see here. The work area isn't very interesting at the mo but I think it will be jazzier once xmas cards get made. I bought some Ranger goodies last week (woyww 170), so even though was not able to get on pc I was being crafty! Have a look at other people's desks, spaces etc. via Julia Dunnit's blog. I will be.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

W.O.Y.W.W. No.169

Well hello, it's What's on your workdesk wednesday? time again. I've been away which explains my absence. Nanny had her little pickle and I managed to take a video of him drawing. Yay so proud but then he is his arty parents offspring so it would be very rude of him to not be a scribbler. Here are my piccies of my worktop (in living room) and my latest crafty purchase on my storage desk (in my bedroom!). My bedroom is my shame because it is never tidy, hence why only honed in on the item. The mound of mess below is naughty indeed. I am currently paper crafting, got a few unfinished atc's and teabag folding projects to do. I am also being very good in cutting up piles of magazines, even craft ones. This is very uncharacteristic of me and am sure will be back to being bad very soon.

My new item is some washi tape from paperchase, the heart border one seen above. I found an ideal pole to hold my tape in those things shops put in new footwear. What more reason do I need then to buy new shoes he he.

The scribbler.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

W.O.Y.W.W. no.166

I have been knitting mostly (yawn). I can feel the call of my paper but until I have achieved my blanket for my baby, I can't see the paper winning over the wool. Also been enjoying watching the Olympics especially last 'Super Saturday'.

I was given a whole heap of wool yesterday but realised a touch on the cheaper side so not sure what to do, whether will match my squares or make my blanket look odd when all sewn together?

My work area is looking a bit boring with folders and diary's. I am a bit of a colour queen, am all for anything patterned and pretty. Dear Ms Dunnit commented the other week on my love of Paperchase and am afraid the pictures do indeed show more evidence of this.

Paperchase pen collection.

...and finally some inspiration points. Happy w.o.y.w.w. to one and all.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

WOYWW no. 163

Hello Woyww'ers. Here are my piccies for this week. Not got a lot to say, my day isn't going great. When have finished here am gonna get a cup of tea and hope I don't get disturbed. Julia Dunnit is the boss of all things woywwy and there will be a long list of people's spaces to peek at. I do peek honest, mostly on my phone but then dont have time to comment. I am a bad girl for this.

The desk not worked on as is covered!

The surface i.e. sofa where am making things. Good and bad examples of Moss stitch.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Well I'm knitting a lot! (woyww no.162).

Well as I'm sitting here trying to post (before the monster wakes up) my throat feels bad again. It makes me sad but knitting has turned out to be my relaxing pastime and not papercrafting shock horror. So...that has been what's going on lately and not interesting things on a desk for woyww!! It's all been hidden away in a knitting bag. I've been away too, another reason for not posting.
You can see here my 'worm'. It wasn't meant to be a worm, it started flat but curled as I went. Am a basic knitter so I don't know why it happened. Have been doing crochet too but that's more frustrating for me. I prefer to use embroidery cottons but it's hard to see where you're going with the hook. My local craft shop tempted me yesterday with some multi packs of coloured cottons. I think they're intended for children but I love brighter ones. There was also some nice wool but am having to stick to my cheapy ball from The Range store...for now. Happy woyww to all or lap, bag whatever you are doing things on.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

WOYWW no.159

Wonders will never cease....I am making cards! Is my wedding anniv. today so have spent a couple of days grabbing moments of time to put together his lordship's card. We also forgot was grandad's wedding anniv so am trying to put together a quick one for that.Today is WOYWW no.159 so as have been a productive bunny will share the ideas. Wednesday is beginning to be my favourite day of the week, what with craft channel craft days going on too! If work desks are your thing to peek at then go over to Ms Dunnit for a list. I don't know how far I will get. I just tend to pick a few at random.I've had my first Xmas card design idea so if the others get completed will be working on that.


The beginnings of a frame for a Xmas card?
From another angle the card stock looks more purpley! but you can't really see that :-(

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

My new bin and WOYWW No.157

Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday everybody. I'm sure even office bods have quite good desks too and am wondering if there's any crafting people who have those as well? I got a new paper bin the other day from a pound shop. My baby has already 'discovered' it but hopefully it will be too boring in time. I have been working on atc's as usual but I do have a few greeting cards to make so will have to cease on that soon. I've also shifted a few bits from my roller desk. I dont work at it, is just a storage/dump space. I work out of my increasingly trusty document box. In it you can see the latest peel-off arrangements on papers. I keep old glossy bindings from magazines that hold a supplement on. I am finding them useful for my atc's. I had some really nice comments for last weeks entry. Sorry to anyone I didnt reply to, will try and get round this week. Is great fun to see what you are all up to.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? No.156

Happy 3rd Anniv. to all Woyww'ers out there past and present. Is great to see others craftyness in action and having secret envy of people's stash. I'm unable to take part every single week but find it very enjoyable and long may it continue (high five to Ms Dunnit). is my er workbox. Yes back to that as the workdesk/crate changes every day now with my little one rampaging it. Still working on my atc's and the tin is just the right size for storing them. I record quick ideas on my phone. This is a useful way to capture a fleeting thought when life can make you forget these things.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Oh wow wow wow....

Oh now I am so pleased. Having a little look at people's desks for What's on your Work desk Wednesday and one lady has got some photo's of her visit to the Chelsea flower show in London. Last night I watched the coverage on tv and was absolutely amazed by some orange tulips and Aliums on display. I love flowers and gardens but am not anything near to being green fingered. I wanted to know about the stand and now I've found it HERE! Wow this lady's mum does some fantastic work. See also

What's on your workdesk Wednesday No.155!

I can't quite believe it has been 6 weeks since I posted, boy does time fly by! I also feel quite sad I only get to post about only my work spaces for What's on your workdesk Wednesday. Jake won't let me on laptop without joining in on my lap so you can imagine the chaos that ensues.
Here is last weeks worktop (basically top of crate stack) where you can see a 12x12 piece of card stock with matching coloured medallions. Today's has a second colour scheme of medallions with the original two plus a completed ATC for a J.A.M. swap. I have had so much trouble with Royal Mail this year one set of JAMS has already gone awol and as my crafting time is limited it takes me an age to complete and post anything on. I stayed up a little last night to colour my medallions with pro-markers. One was a bit pink when it was meant to be peachy but that's what comes of not reading the name properly in a dimmer lighted room lol.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday? No.149

I've been busy with Easter cards in the fortnight since I posted. My workbox is currently spending a lot of time being moved around and is currently out of little arms way on the stairs. Shown here is what's in the upturned lid and the new bits of teabag folding that am thinking will use towards getting ahead for next Easter! Have a look on what's on your workdesk wednesday? and see what lots of other creative people are up to.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

What's on your workdesk wednesday? No.147

Be's a very boring picture of my workspace for What's on your Wokdesk Wednesday? This is because lately I seem to be working out of an A4 box on my lap of an evening when the baby is asleep. It's always been a bit of a dumping ground too really and you can see a parcel bag with new punches in that haven't seen the light of day yet which is rather sad. I've been working on ATC'S that are all a bit samey. There's also the Mothering Sunday card from a couple of weeks back. I will be trying to get round a few of the desks, including Julia's. I will say to anyone hop along too. I must hop to it now and feed the boy lunch...