Wednesday 30 May 2012

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? No.156

Happy 3rd Anniv. to all Woyww'ers out there past and present. Is great to see others craftyness in action and having secret envy of people's stash. I'm unable to take part every single week but find it very enjoyable and long may it continue (high five to Ms Dunnit). is my er workbox. Yes back to that as the workdesk/crate changes every day now with my little one rampaging it. Still working on my atc's and the tin is just the right size for storing them. I record quick ideas on my phone. This is a useful way to capture a fleeting thought when life can make you forget these things.


Katherine said...

Love the idea of keeping your ideas on your phone...I have a little book at the moment I sketch things in when I have an abundance of inspiration - happy WOYWW.

Lisa Richards said...

Lovely ATC's! If I'm reading the rules correctly I believe you have "drawn" my name in the ATC exchange? My email is if you would like to get in touch. (I'm not forcing anyone, after all, lol!)
Have a lovely WOYWW!
Lisa #151

jill said...

happy woyww, thanks for sharing jill#64

Unknown said...

JB please send me your address so i can mail your is waiting for

Helen said...

Such a neat little workspace! Happy WOYWW, sorry it's taken me a while to get down the list... Helen, 8

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I like the idea of catching ideas on your phone. I don't have a phone but I should come up with some way to capture those quick thoughts before they escape. I might have already cured the common cold if only I had been paying attention! I like the idea of a workbox. It limits what you can put in so you have to be precise plus you have the get up and go bonus.

fairy thoughts said...

great idea with the phone, I have just got a new one with a better memo thingy so will start doing that . Are you swapping other ATCs if you are I would love to swap with you
janet #43

Eliza said...

Woo Hoo another phone person, I just love the app I use on my iphone to jot my thoughts. Thanks for sharing your space.

Eliza #140

okienurse said...

keeping your ideas on your phone is a great idea. Out of harms way. Having a little one can cause havoc on good days. Sorry I am so late getting by but figured better late then never!! Happy 3rd Anniversary of WOYWW! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #178

Annie said...

What a great idea to keep put ideas on your phone. My phone is always at my side :-)
Sorry I'm rather late getting round but hope your having a great week.
A x

Valerie said...

these are beautiful! What a great idea to use your phone to save those fleeting ideas! Valerie #174

Ali said...

Your ATCs look lovely. Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW anniversary!

Ali #86