Wednesday 23 May 2012

What's on your workdesk Wednesday No.155!

I can't quite believe it has been 6 weeks since I posted, boy does time fly by! I also feel quite sad I only get to post about only my work spaces for What's on your workdesk Wednesday. Jake won't let me on laptop without joining in on my lap so you can imagine the chaos that ensues.
Here is last weeks worktop (basically top of crate stack) where you can see a 12x12 piece of card stock with matching coloured medallions. Today's has a second colour scheme of medallions with the original two plus a completed ATC for a J.A.M. swap. I have had so much trouble with Royal Mail this year one set of JAMS has already gone awol and as my crafting time is limited it takes me an age to complete and post anything on. I stayed up a little last night to colour my medallions with pro-markers. One was a bit pink when it was meant to be peachy but that's what comes of not reading the name properly in a dimmer lighted room lol.


ScrappnBee said...

Mail monkeys reaking havoc over here too. So, loke sock monsters, it is a universal problem. LOL! Thanks for sharing. Welcome back! Have a great woyww! -Amanda x89

CraftygasheadZo said...

I've had problems with Royal Mail too, looks like you're crafting happy though. Take care & enjoy WOYWW, hoping your Thursday is a lovely one! Zo xx 80

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hopefully you'll have more time to get crafty soon!!

Jeannie #75

Eliza said...

Sorry to hear you have had a hard time of it lately, hopefully things will look brighter for you soon. Do some crafting, that should fix all problems.

Eliza #49