Thursday 30 April 2009


So much going on and so little time, where does it go?

We rescued a little fox last night that had got trapped down by the front of the flat. I would've loved to have taken a photo of the little mite but I didn't want to scare it, as was leaping about enough as it was.
I do love foxes - they are so cute.

Today I would love to work on some cards for challenge blogs but if I do that I'll be all behind and got to go to work for three days. Is making me sad, I really don't know how people find the time to craft. All I have managed is to get Kirsty Wiseman's free download of butterflies which yo can see HERE
will see what can do with, may be nice for a scrapbook layout.

Have made a boo boo with my wedding invites, they require a large letter stamp which is gonna cost us a fortune to send. Have to go to the P/O later, just don't wanna, maybe dinner at my mums will cheer me up. Either that or a magnum or 3.

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