Thursday 30 April 2009


So much going on and so little time, where does it go?

We rescued a little fox last night that had got trapped down by the front of the flat. I would've loved to have taken a photo of the little mite but I didn't want to scare it, as was leaping about enough as it was.
I do love foxes - they are so cute.

Today I would love to work on some cards for challenge blogs but if I do that I'll be all behind and got to go to work for three days. Is making me sad, I really don't know how people find the time to craft. All I have managed is to get Kirsty Wiseman's free download of butterflies which yo can see HERE
will see what can do with, may be nice for a scrapbook layout.

Have made a boo boo with my wedding invites, they require a large letter stamp which is gonna cost us a fortune to send. Have to go to the P/O later, just don't wanna, maybe dinner at my mums will cheer me up. Either that or a magnum or 3.
Some great BLOG candy can be found HERE.

Linking probs.

I still am having trouble linking to peoples blogs. Am getting frustrated now as feel missing out.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Half Price at Paperchase

Easter cards are available from paperchase for as little as 50p, what a bargain. Useful for inspiration and next years supplies. I wish I could avoid it but I am weak.

Friday 17 April 2009

Storage tip from Clare Curd

Put the t.v. on whilst having a late lunch snack of nutella and crackers and came across some crafting previewed on QVC. Hurrah I thought as wasn't expecting any to be on today. Has been pouring with rain so after watching music videos for a bit was looking forward to the papermania show. They had the lovely Becks Fagg and Clare Curd from 'Creativity' magazines (by Do Crafts) demonstrating products. Clare had a brilliant way of storing clear stamps. You put them in cd boxes - GENIUS. The stamps self stick so is a really sturdy base for them. I seem to remember being able to get coloured ones...must investigate further.

New shoes

I love how my new shoes look......not so chuffed how they feel. Spent Good Friday hobbling about in em. Think more comfy with socks??

Sunday 5 April 2009

From the sick bed...

I have been staring at a roll of gift wrap from paperchase from my bed for months, so as have been stuck in it decided to finally cut into the stuff! Never mind the scraps on the duvet I started to bag up the first bits.

If you are into teabag folding like me I recommend buying little grip seal bags to put your shapes in. I got mine from Craft Creations for just a few pence each.

Yesterday partner was DIY ing all over the place and was tidying out his old tool box. Was going to throw these babies away but managed to grab in time:

This is the DIY was working on. I don't tell him enough that I'm proud of him for trying, but I am. Will look forward to the stairs being completed (and so will everyone else who struggles up and down this monster obstacle).

Saturday 4 April 2009

oh am a sad little bunny today. Got a cold bug from work (again!). Need to dose up good and proper.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Mothering Sunday card

This is the card I made for my mum this year. It has a tulip theme so think works well as a normal spring time card too.
I used a stamp by 7 gypsies, onto paperchase papers and heat embossed with clear powder from CaroLines rubber stamps.
The background papers are from 'The Bumper Book of Papers' by The Crafter's Paper Library. Available from Search Press.