Wednesday 28 March 2012

What's on your workdesk wednesday? No.147

Be's a very boring picture of my workspace for What's on your Wokdesk Wednesday? This is because lately I seem to be working out of an A4 box on my lap of an evening when the baby is asleep. It's always been a bit of a dumping ground too really and you can see a parcel bag with new punches in that haven't seen the light of day yet which is rather sad. I've been working on ATC'S that are all a bit samey. There's also the Mothering Sunday card from a couple of weeks back. I will be trying to get round a few of the desks, including Julia's. I will say to anyone hop along too. I must hop to it now and feed the boy lunch...

Monday 26 March 2012

No time....

I haven't had the opportunity to blog recently, I just don't have enough time to with my little boy running about all day. I've tried doing it via my phone but it never works?? Have especially missed my fave blog What's on your workdesk wednesday?
So here are a few shots I took without being able to share them. I was working on the sofa on an ATC and desperately trying to keep the sellotape backing bits from my son who loves any bits of paper/plastic can get hands on.